I am not a politician but a citizen of my country. And being a citizen, I have also rights to defend my country and its future. And because of our love for our country let our voices be heard. Let us not be silent by fears but be the source of courage to those who are helpless. Stand for our land, stand for our future.

Filipinos deserve better, a brighter future ahead. Power is not only entitled to those who are known, famous and rich. Modern world has changed everything the way we see it before. A small people from a remote rural area can rise to power nowadays because of the powerful internet. A nobody can be somebody in the blink of an eye. Let’s use this opportunity to choose the right leaders for us, not only depending on who are we seeing on tv and being heard on a radio. A stereotype of politicians who are already years in politics but never contributed progress in our beloved country, and yet still continue to fool Filipinos that they are the right leaders for our country.

Let’s support new breed of personalities in politics that are willing to take chances in serving Filipinos. Not known, not rich, but a real Filipino in every aspect that see the sentiments of the grassroot of our land.

Support and join the love for our country movement to unite our voice and bring new set of leaders with integrity, honesty, dedication and real concern to Filipinos.

Love for our country movement supports Ms. Virginia Rodriguez, the author of the book ” Leave Nobody Hungry” in her quest to senate to improve the lives of Agri Sectors, the welfare of Indigenous People, the single parents, our seniors, the students and professionals, the less fortunate Filipinos, by providing relevant laws that will uplift the lives of every Filipino.